Monthly Archives: March 2016

Negotiations Update

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Dear Members, It has been quite a while since I updated you with news of “progress” concerning OCADU/OCADFA Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) negotiations. This is, in part, because of a lack of progress. However, I feel I must provide a follow-up to the recent “Message from Interim, Vice-President Academic, Dr. Gillian Siddall” on current bargaining”   …Continue Reading

Sessionals-only Bargaining Meeting

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Hello everyone – This post is just a brief note about some upcoming events and issues. The most important of these events is the Sessionals-only bargaining meeting, Thursday March 10 at 6 pm in Room 230 of 100 McCaul. The purpose of this meeting is for sessionals to provide further input into negotiations for the   …Continue Reading

Town Hall, Workload Complaints and Avoiding Abusive Meetings

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Hello OCADFA members – This post addresses three specific points: (1) some follow-up on last month’s “Town Hall”; (2) workload complaints; and (3) avoiding abusive meetings. Follow-up on Sara Diamond’s January Town Hall All budgets are zero-sum scenarios: more money spent on item A means less money available for item B. This is the significance   …Continue Reading