Dear Members, It has been quite a while since I updated you with news of “progress” concerning OCADU/OCADFA Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) negotiations. This is, in part, because of a lack of progress. However, I feel I must provide a follow-up to the recent “Message from Interim, Vice-President Academic, Dr. Gillian Siddall” on current bargaining” …Continue Reading
Hello everyone – This post is just a brief note about some upcoming events and issues. The most important of these events is the Sessionals-only bargaining meeting, Thursday March 10 at 6 pm in Room 230 of 100 McCaul. The purpose of this meeting is for sessionals to provide further input into negotiations for the …Continue Reading
Hello OCADFA members – This post addresses three specific points: (1) some follow-up on last month’s “Town Hall”; (2) workload complaints; and (3) avoiding abusive meetings. Follow-up on Sara Diamond’s January Town Hall All budgets are zero-sum scenarios: more money spent on item A means less money available for item B. This is the significance …Continue Reading