Tag Archives: President

Senate & Board of Governors Meetings

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Hello OCADFA Members: Thanks to all who attended yesterday’s discussion. Among the many important points raised was that meeting of the Senate and the Board of Governors are open to the public, and we encourage you to attend these whenever you can. This is especially important in the matter of the Board of Governors, because   …Continue Reading

Communication from Charles Reeve, OCADFA President

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1) OCADFA – You’re Already a Member! If you’re getting this email, you’re an OCADFA member. This means that we’re here to protect your rights and improve your working conditions. If you have questions, concerns or suggestions about your workplace, please contact our office by emailing Connie Reid (conniereid@ocadu.ca) or me (creeve@faculty.ocadu.ca). 2) Spring meeting,   …Continue Reading