Third party external review and more

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Oct. 6, 2020 Dear OCADFA Members, Third-party External Review I am writing with an urgent request that you attend the Faculty and Staff Townhall this Thursday. It will provide an update on the third-party external review and the 2020-21 operating budget. Thursday Oct. 8, 3:30PM – 4:45 PM Join Zoom Meeting OCAD U hired   …Continue Reading

Strategic Online Activism, Lecture Recorded and Posted

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This workshop by Praba Pilar provides an introductory view of the scale, issues, and problems of the online world, also provides some practical tips. This is the first in a series on Strategic Online Activism that we are presenting for Strike U. Click on the image below for lecture.

September 30: #StudentStrike against anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism

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Dear OCADFA members,  Students across Canada are taking action today on a  student-led strike against anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism. The strike will also commemorate Orange Shirt Day and take place online in a series of webinars:  11am to 12:30pm: Why we strike and Orange Shirt Day teach-in 1pm to 2:15pm: Defund the police and cops off campus 2:30pm to 3:30pm: Barriers   …Continue Reading

Labour Day 2020 Message

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Sept 7, 2020 Dear OCADFA members, Happy Labour Day!  Our holiday that celebrates the workers’ movement for better working conditions and better pay was earned by the organizing and determined fightback of workers who’ve come before us.  A struggle that connect labour rights to human rights and social justice.  Specifically, the holiday commemorates the campaign   …Continue Reading

Scholar Strike Canada Ways To Get Involved

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Dear OCADFA members, #ScholarStrikeCanada has gained support from OCUFA and CAUT in the last 48 hrs. We are rapidly developing public digital teach-ins that you can use and direct students to.  Information about the program is on this page and will be updated soon to provide zoom upload links for the teach-ins. We recognize the   …Continue Reading