Vice-presidential Review, Performance Reviews, A Clarification around Teaching Intensives and How Are You, OCADU?

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Hello Everyone! “You’re already a member!” I always open my emails with this greeting because many people, especially in contract positions, don’t know that they belong to OCADFA. So they don’t open emails from OCADFA until they’ve got two or three of them—which means that every OCADFA email I send will be, for at least   …Continue Reading

Hiring, Teaching Intensive Stream and Shop Safety

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Hi Everyone, and Happy New Year: The main things I want to discuss in this message are: (1) hiring; (2) the Teaching Intensive Stream; and (3) shop safety. First, though, I want to mention something important for anyone on a limited-term contract: you remain an OCADFA member for 6 months after your contract ends. This   …Continue Reading

25th Anniversary of Massacre at École Polytechnique de Montréal

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Hello Everyone – As many of you know, tomorrow will mark 25 years since 14 women were murdered at École Polytechnique de Montréal. In honour of those women, the Canadian Association of University Teachers has prepared this short video statement about the importance of remembering this tragedy, and of overcoming the larger cycle of violence   …Continue Reading

New Board Members, Committee Updates & When Things Go Wrong

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Hi Everyone – As always, I want to start by reminding everyone: as OCADFA members, if you need help because things are out of whack in your workplace, contact Connie Reid in our office (, and she’ll direct your query to the right person. I’ll come back to the issue of some things that can go   …Continue Reading

OCADFA Board of Director Election Results

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Hello OCADFA Members: OCADFA is pleased to announce the election results of Officer and Director positions on the OCADFA Board of Directors which took place on November 18, 2014 at our AGM. All positions were voted in by acclamation.   Charles Reeve President 3 year term Term ends November 2017 Fatimah Tuggar Director 2 year   …Continue Reading