OCADFA writes this statement of solidarity in honor and recognition of Mahsa/Zhina Amini. a 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman who died while in the custody of the “Morality Police” in Tehran on 16 September 2022. Mahsa was arrested for not properly wearing the government’s mandatory hijab and was severely beaten while under arrest. Although the authorities stated that Mahsa had suffered a heart attack while at the station, and later fell into a coma and died at the hospital; leaked medical scans show that Mahsa in fact died of a cerebral hemorrhage which was most likely caused by the severe beating and multiple blows to her head, as was witnessed by others also detained.
Since the start of the widespread protests across Iran, the IRI security forces have killed over 277 people including 40 children according to reports by human rights organizations (IHRNGO), the IRI has also arrested countless protesters, including school children, university students, rights activists, journalists, artists, lawyers, teachers and others. They have also launched military attacks in several cities in Kurdistan and Baluchistan. Iranian Education Minister (admitted that the) school children who have been arrested (…) were sent to “psychiatric centres” to be “corrected” (…) (https://iranhr.net/en/articles/5567/)
OCADFA stands in solidarity with the Woman, children and other-ed allies of Iran -who stand against the gender apartheid of the Islamic Republic and against the violence that led to the brutal murder of Mahsa Amini and countless others who’ve been killed for opposing the brutal dictatorship led by Ali Khamenei and the Islamic republic’s power centers which systematically oppresses innocents-under the name of morality.
OCADFA calls upon ALL who would willingly stand for freedom and in condemnation of Iranian authoritarianism, the Islamic states structural oppression and all forms of gender apartheid, oppression, and violence against Iranian women, children, and students.
OCADFA recognizes that rising with the slogan Woman*, Life, Freedom, Iranian women are tired of being second-class citizens and want basic human rights such as women’s clothing, singing in public, dancing freely, applying for passports, traveling abroad, choosing where to live, and being head of the household.
OCADFA recognizes that the current women’s uprising in Iran calls for an end to the governments mandatory enforcement and exploitative abuse of the hijab, which has been used as a way to solely target women’s bodily autonomy. OCADFA recognizes that the brutal enforcement of this type of religious extremism is utilized by the IRI as a tool of gendered oppression, which further sustains the patriarchal powers of those who execute such rules as the compulsory hijab law.
OCADFA calls for the release of ALL women arrested by the morality police.
OCADFA calls for the immediate release of those imprisoned for standing up for their rights to protest.
OCADFA calls for international solidarity with Iranian academics, scholars, students, intellectuals, and artists who have been deprived of their most fundamental rights and imprisoned.
OCADFA calls for the restoration of internet access to Iranian citizens.
OCADFA calls for international investigation into the Islamic Republic Regimes crimes against humanity.
OCADFA calls for international support for Iranian protesters and their demands for democratic representation and governance.
OCADFA recognizes the Canadian government’s series of measures and sanctions against certain individuals and institutions within IRI, though these measures do not go far enough.
OCADFA calls on the Government of Canada to put an immediate stop to all negotiations and dealings with the government of the Islamic Republic’s representatives, operatives, cronies, and oligarchs at all levels.
OCADFA demands that the Government of Canada use its representation within international bodies, including the United Nations and International Court of Justice to hold the Government of the Islamic Republic accountable for its murderous response to rightful protests of Iranian people.
OCADFA also calls on the Government of Canada to use its United Nations representation to expel the Government of the Islamic Republic from the UN Women’s Rights Commission (https://unwatch.org/iran-to-join-u-n-womens-rights-commission/?fbclid=IwAR1TbI0EcGPr6ej6tTsWRYnVckThzzYPCMKJjj3GSb0Y_TZurbDCjGBva_0)
OCADFA asks OCADU to financially support those Iranian students who may also be seeking permanent status in Canada. OCADFA is grateful to UofT for setting precedence in this effort.( https://wgsi.utoronto.ca/statement-from-president-meric-gertler-on-the-crisis-in-iran/)
OCADFA asks all…..to utilize your artistic platforms as means to disseminate the information on abuses endured by the Iranian People(s) with the hopes that the international community will heed and act upon our collective calls for justice in the deaths of those who would rightfully protest such oppressions.
OCADFA recognizes the need to give precedence to particular places at particular times of crisis – it is also vital that we recognize our shared intersectionality.
OCADFA recognizes the intersectionality of Iranian, Indigenous and BPOC women both locally and internationally who are/have been forced to live within oppressive regimes and apartheid states. From the Indigenous reserve system in Canada, which inspired the Bantustans in Africa…to the plight of Palestinians continually resisting extreme Zionist policies We unite in our shared sites of resistance as we collectively battle towards achieving our sovereignties.
OCADFA recognizes the similarities of oppressions internationally yet remains cognizant of the need to honour our diversity while we work toward building and enacting new emancipatory strategies. We also do this as means of – turning what seems like global apathy – towards an increased sense of empathy.
OCADFA ultimately seeks the restoration of liberty of/for the Iranian citizenry and all who would stand collectively in safeguarding our shared sense of humanity.
If you are in need of assistance and community. please see the following links where supports may be offered:
Iranian Student Association OCADU https://www.facebook.com/iranianocadu/
The Iranian Women’s Organization of Ontario at (416) 496-9566 or info@iwontario.com,