OCADFA’s Letter to CAUT on Academic Freedom and Racial Slurs

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The recent incident at University of Ottawa concerning Dr. Verushka Lieutenant-Duval’s use of discriminatory and racially-charged language in her ART 3317 Art and Gender course, combined with CAUT’s solidarity of such language under the guise ff academic freedom, is deeply concerning. OCADFA supports the statement of the caucus of the Black, Indigenous and People of   …Continue Reading

OCADFA’s Letter re: Bill 168

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OCADFA’s letter to MPP Roman Baber, Chair, Standing Committee on Justice Policy. Bill 168’s proposal to re-define Ontario’s definition of anti-semitism to include criticism of the Israeli state. The definition of antisemitism adopted by Bill 168 is guided by definition used by the International Holocaust Remebrance Alliance (IHRA) which seeks to redefine anti-semitism to include   …Continue Reading

AGM 2019 Minutes

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Dear OCADFA members, Thank you to all the members who have responded to RSVP for our AGM on Nov 5, 2020 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Please find minutes from our 2019 AGM by clicking here. Please review it before the AGM. Hope to see many of you at the AGM!  Sincerely, Surendra Lawoti   …Continue Reading

Update from OCADFA Nominations Committee – Elaine Chan-Dow & Charles Reeve

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Hello OCADFA Members, We are writing to update you on nominations for OCADFA’s upcoming elections that will commence at the AGM on Nov 5, 2020. Eric Steenbergen has been nominated for the Negotiations Chair position. We have not received other nomination thus far. The OCADFA Board has indicated that Camille Issacs, current Associate Grievance Chair   …Continue Reading

OCUFA Survey on Impact of COVID-19 on Your Work

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Dear OCADFA members, Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is conducting a survey on impact of COVID-19 on your work. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and the privacy and confidentiality of your responses are completely assured.   Findings will be used to inform policies and practices that can ameliorate the adverse impacts the pandemic is   …Continue Reading