Hello OCADFA Members,
We are writing to update you on nominations for OCADFA’s upcoming elections that will commence at the AGM on Nov 5, 2020.
Eric Steenbergen has been nominated for the Negotiations Chair position. We have not received other nomination thus far. The OCADFA Board has indicated that Camille Issacs, current Associate Grievance Chair intends to run for the position she currently occupies. Richard Hunt, current Grievance Chair intends to step down and run for one of the two Director-at-Large positions. Laura Lovell-Anderson, current Director-at-Large wishes to run for Director position if she is deemed eligible by OCADFA by-laws, and her situation is dictated by her employment at OCAD U. Maria-Belén Ordóñez is stepping down from Director-at-Large as she will complete her second term in the position. You can find current slate of Board members and their terms by clicking here.
Please let us know if you would to file a nomination for any of the positions listed below – download the Nominations form by clicking here.
Negotiations Chair – term ends 2023
Grievance Chair – term ends in 2021
“At Large” Director – term ends in 2023
“At Large” Director– term ends in 2023
Associate Grievance Chair – term ends 2023 (this position is not part of BOD is elected by the membership)
You can find out more about OCADFA and roles of each position by clicking here.
Nominations has to be made before the AGM on November 5, 2020. Nominations can also be made from the floor during the AGM. The election will be held via online polling, which will open shortly after the AGM and be available until November 10, 2020.
Please email us if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving your nominations.
Elaine Chan-Dow (echandow@faculty.ocadu.ca)
& Charles Reeve (creeve@ocadu.ca)