OCADFA Scholar Strike Statement

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September 2, 2020 OCADFA, the York University Faculty Association(YUFA), and the Executives of the University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) and the Ryerson Facutly Association (RFA) condemn racist policing and related forms of institutionalized violence. We stand in solidarity with Black, Indigenous, and other racialized communities in Toronto and across North America on Turtle Island.   …Continue Reading

Scholar Strike Canada for Black Lives

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Dear OCADFA members, OCADFA joins the other Faculty Associations across the GTA, the Executives of the  University of Toronto Faculty Association and the Ryerson Faculty Association and the York Faculty Association in supporting Scholar Strike Canada. Scholar Strike for Black Lives in Canada will take place on Sept 9th & 10th, 2020.  For these two days, we   …Continue Reading

Fall 2020 Orientation

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Join us for our fall orientation for the 2020/21 academic year on September 3rd, from 2 to 3PM via Teams. Find out more about OCADFA, what we do and how we support you in your work at OCAD University.

OCADFA Notes: Our Labour in Times of COVID-19

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OCADFA Notes, Issue 4, Aug 20, 2020 This issue is composed of text, images, and sounds, and carries energies and perspectives that are uniquely tied together, and are full of potential for fostering solidarity, collegiality, collaboration, and dare we say, creative interventions and effects that point toward what is often overlooked and taken for granted.   …Continue Reading

Sessionals Maximum Course Load

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Dear sessional colleagues, I have received a question about the maximum of courses that can be taught by a sessional instructor and whether this maximum has been reduced. The maximum course load for sessionals is 5 half credits. Last year the Administration unilaterally reduced the course load and refused to assign courses over 4. In order to   …Continue Reading