OCADFA Job Posting and more

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Dear OCADFA members, OCADFA is hiring an Executive Director (ED)  to support our work.  The ED will provide leadership in fulfilling OCADFA’s mandate and the advancement of member rights. The ED will support OCADFA’s work in bargaining, grievance handling and membership engagement. Additional duties include coordinating training initiatives for members and staff, liaising with other   …Continue Reading

Invitation to OCADFA Bargaining Q&A with Negotiations Chair

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Dear OCADFA Members, As you know,  negotiations for a new Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) have moved to the mediation phase. Some members have expressed concern with this development. This is a normal part of the negotiation process between OCADFA and OCADU Administration. Like our FA counterparts at UofT, Ryerson and McMaster, we do not currently   …Continue Reading

OCADFA Bargaining Update

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July 3, 2020 Dear OCADFA Members As you know we have been bargaining in good faith with Administration on a new contract since February 2020.  This afternoon Administration walked away from the bargaining table and referred us to mediation. We had a challenging meeting with Administration this morning and it clearly became evident to both   …Continue Reading

NSCAD in Crisis

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My Dear Friends: Sitting presidents ask past presidents to comment publicly on current issues only in the most troubling and urgent situations. That’s why you’ve never heard from any OCADFA past president in this forum before, and why Min Sook asked me to write to you now: the firing of NSCAD President Dr. Aoife Mac   …Continue Reading

Fire the NSCAD Board of Governors & Reinstate President Dr. Aoife Mac Namara Petition

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Dear OCADFA members, On Sunday June 28th, the NSCAD Board of Governors announced they fired the University’s President, Dr. Aoife Mac Namara after one year in office.  The Faculty Union of Nova Scotia College of Art & Design (FUNSCAD) was not consulted about this and are outraged at the lack of process, collegiality and consultation.   …Continue Reading