OCADFA Monthly Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 4 (May 2021)

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OCADFA acknowledges the sacred land on which we live and work. For over 15,000 years this land has been home to Indigenous people who have lived and continue to live in relation with the land in ways that have been proven to be ecologically sustainable and vital, and that deepen our humanity by honouring our   …Continue Reading

OCADFA 2021 Survey on Faculty Experience with Online Teaching and FLOW

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Solidary letters in support of OCADU Librarians keep pouring in

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We’ve been collecting open letters addressed to OCADU President Ana Serrano condemning the move to terminate four longstanding academic librarians: Open letter from the University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) Open letter from the McMaster University Academic Librarians’ Association (MUALA) Open letter from Ryerson University Librarians, members of the Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA) Open letter   …Continue Reading

CAUT letter RE: Decision to terminate four senior librarians and eliminate two library positions at OCADU

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On May 14, 2021 the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) President Brenda Austin-Smith, and Executive Director David Robinson sent the following letter to OCAD University President and Vice Chancellor Ana Serrano May 14, 2021 BY EMAIL: Ana SerranoPresident and Vice ChancellorOCAD University100 McCaul StreetToronto, OntarioM5T 1W1 RE: Decision to terminate four senior librarians and   …Continue Reading

Don’t Put The Hook to OCADU Professional Academic Librarians

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The campaign in support of OCADU’s librarians is ramping up. On May 4th, 2021 four senior academic librarians who work at OCAD University were laid off (as of June 1, 2021) because the Administration has decided to restructure the library.   Together, the four people who lost their jobs in the middle of a pandemic have   …Continue Reading