Message from Charles Reeve, OCADFA President

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1) OCADFA – You’re Already a Member! If you’re getting this email, you’re an OCADFA member. This means that we’re here to protect your rights and improve your working conditions. If you have questions, concerns or suggestions about your workplace, please contact our office by emailing Connie Reid ( or me ( 2) Spring meeting,   …Continue Reading

Reminder: Austerity And The University

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Message from Charles Reeve, President, OCADFA Two upcoming events addressing the effects of austerity policies on universities: 1) Next Wednesday, OCAFU presents “Austerity and Ontario’s Universities: Finding a way forward.” This is a joint Town Hall Meeting for University of Toronto, York, Ryerson and OCADU faculty, students and staff. Wednesday March 27, 7:00 p.m. –   …Continue Reading

Reminder: Austerity And The University

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Two upcoming events addressing the effects of austerity policies on universities: 1) Next Wednesday, OCAFU presents “Austerity and Ontario’s Universities: Finding a way forward.” This is a joint Town Hall Meeting for University of Toronto, York, Ryerson and OCADU faculty, students and staff. Wednesday March 27, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. University of Toronto: OISE   …Continue Reading

Taxes, Events, More On Re-imagining OCAD University.

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Dear OCADFA Members: 1) Tax Time! Don’t forget that your ocadfa dues are tax-deductible, and that you also may be able to deduct the cost of maintaining a home office if you do a lot of work there. Ask your dean for a T2200. We’ve been told that they will provide them if requested. Also,   …Continue Reading

Imagining The Quality Of Education At OCAD University

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Dear Members: Our email about increasing ratios of students to tenured/tenure-track faculty prompted queries about similar figures regarding sessional faculty. While we don’t have the numbers on sessionals from 2005/06, we do have those numbers from 06/07 on, and they tell an interesting story. Here’s the breakdown of numbers of sessionals since 06/07: 06/07: 225   …Continue Reading