Mid-Summer Dispatch

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In this issue: Mid-Summer Dispatch

Bill 124 Award for OCADFA Members

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OCADFA is pleased to announce that we have resolved the outstanding compensation issues from Bill 124, bringing the longest round of negotiations in our history to an end.   Earlier this month OCADFA’s Bill 124 negotiations team, led by former Negotiations Chair Eric Steenbergen, met with the Administration and the Arbitrator to address the outstanding compensation   …Continue Reading

Provocation Ideas Festival – 2023

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The 2023 Provocation Ideas Festival is a new public square of spirited discussion, debate, and exploration of what is and what could be. Provocation brings together disparate voices working for positive change. A Festival of Discovery Provocation tackles difficult topics through vibrant public discussion, art, theatre, film, music, storytelling, and more. Art, Performance, and Dialogue   …Continue Reading

May 2023 Dispatch – The May Day Issue

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The May Day Issue: This special issue features artwork by Marton Robinson, Chair, First Year Art. Click through to read the Dispatch contents.


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We’re calling on OCADU Admin to recognize the unlawfulness of Bill 124 and negotiate fair wages now. Join the campaign and learn more here…