Welcome to the 2022-23 academic year at OCAD University! In this issue: OCADFA Calendar of Events Covid-19 Safety #SessionalsCount Negotiations Update 2020-2023 Memorandum of Agreement Teaching Stream Permanency New Board Members OCADFA Office Move Members Resources on OCADFA.ca . OCADFA Calendar of Events This will be an active semester for OCADFA as we once …Continue Reading
Dear sessional colleagues, I have received a question about the maximum of courses that can be taught by a sessional instructor and whether this maximum has been reduced. The maximum course load for sessionals is 5 half credits. Last year the Administration unilaterally reduced the course load and refused to assign courses over 4. In order to …Continue Reading
Dear sessional colleagues, We had a very good town hall on Monday centered around sessional concerns regarding hiring practices and work environment at OCAD U. Please find the meeting minutes here. We are planning to have more periodic town halls where we can continue to take the pulse of our sessional contingent and decide upon …Continue Reading
Dear sessional colleagues, This year is shaping up to be even more uncertain and unknown than what you are used to. Many of us have yet to hear whether we will be teaching this fall or winter. With this in mind, OCADFA is organizing a Sessional Town Hall on the topic of employment practices and course …Continue Reading